There are too many words.
Each day I am drown in words.
Once, I sat with a man each day for
six months and not a word passed between us
I've never forgotten how moved I was by what he said. . .
What I'm trying to say is that
I have a need, now and then to shake
the words out of my hair.
All the stale and used-up words-
the frantic panic words that jump about my desk -
and the heavy meaningful words
that hang like curtains in the air.
The people who spin words about me
holding me tightly to them -
and the people who fill every corner with urgent words within their voices -
every inch of my room -
closing the space through
which they may fall to nothing.
One word would be enough!
Just one word
that I might hold it in my palm I would
weigh it
and know it.
The big question some of our beloved sister and brothers come across. Well answer yourself this... I am an African, whether a female or a male, a child or an adult, able or disabled makes no difference. The main fact is that you are human with great Expectations, Dedication and a somebody who wants to something, someday, somewhere. Be all that for yourself and a special someone. Who I am does not matter that much for if I do not know what I want, then I cannot be able to express who I am and where I am going, for I will look like a house built without foundation just floating on thin air. Who am I, is something you will never know unless I express myself to thee, so please do not judge just by looking at me and then conclude in your mind that I am a nobody, going nowhere, with nothing on my back and with no one, as the famous words say "Never judge a book by it's cover." I am an Intelligent and Beautiful someone with Special something inside, so do not judge and thou shal...
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