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Power vs Weakness

It isn’t because the other person is weaker.

I honestly cannot believe the number of lives we’ve lost to depression. All because we still aren’t able to see it as what it is; an incurable (but treatable) pain that runs so deep you don’t know better than wanting to numb it or end it… because instead of seeing it as what it is, we see it as a weakness. Nobody wants to seem weak, so they don’t ask for help, all the while this pain is devouring them up from the inside like the worst cancer there is.

When they do let out some sort of cry for help, WE see them as weak and “deal” with it in all sorts of questionable ways.
We’re finally the generation that claims to accept the fact that we’re different, but we still can’t accept the fact that we deal with things differently in our own separate ways, and they affect us differently as well. One thing could make you stronger and scar the next person for life;


Our brains are wired differently. When there is no help, others are quick to be trapped by addictions (which there are genetic flaws that make other people more vulnerable to addiction than others). We all have them, ADDICTIONS. They suck the life out of you until all you’re left with is your false sense of happiness and a heartbeat_ and then_ you die again.

Any other time when people die we chant “death be not proud” and we mean it because the truth is, it really does lose still. But when someone dies as a result of depression or an addiction_ death really does win. Our struggles are meant to serve as our testimonies _ but here, they win. No testimony, no “everything happens for a reason”, NOTHING. All for naught!

All because we didn’t try to help, listen or empathize. All the beautiful work he did, he’s miraculous career and the lives it changed_ gone. Done, even though he wasn’t_ or maybe I just need to accept that maybe this was the reason, the right ending for an extended testimony somewhere else. But it doesn’t make it okay that in 2015; people die from this like we don’t know any better.
Like we can’t help, we might not know how but we can try!

Just Love .


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