I am a woman.
This does not mean that I am a mere trophy, an outsourced breeder of babies, a breathing spatula to toss your eggs. I am first my Mother's daughter and I am definitely more than what has been spoken of me!
So I ask you brother that you hear me out. I am a dreamer, helper, nurturer, inventor and an individual. I am not a piece of meat or a skirt out on the street. I am not just a set of flamboyant legs or a pretty face.
Don’t limit me to a mere fantasy or a test drive for your hormones.
Listen brother I am a woman… my Father’s daughter. I love to be loved but I do not want to be treated like loving me is a favor. Love me like I’m that gift. Unwrap me with kindness because listen brother I am my Mother’s daughter. I ask that you be my cover, my brother, do not exploit my purity for your own lusts or gain.
Honor me. Listen brother I am my mother’s daughter. Treat me like you would your blood sister. Hold me like a tender rose and look at me like I am that carrier of life. And when you talk to me let it be as if you’re serenading a god. Say what you mean and mean what you say. I know you think that I demand too much.
I hope you know that my unique expression of kindness and gentleness towards you is not at all a sign of weakness or inadequacy. When I submit to you it is out of obedience not out of fear. So you see I am not a weak vessel at all. In my heart is a desire to serve you and help you be the best man you can.
Finally understand that though I love to be led by you it does not mean that I cannot lead myself into my own destiny when you fail. One day my King I will love you… I will love you fiercely!
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